Feather-down pillows
With springy, supportive feathers and snuggly down
If you are a fan of natural pillow fillings, we've got precisely what you need. Our Paradies pillows filled with springy, supportive feathers and snugly down will ensure that you always have a comfy sleep.
We guarantee that our high-quality down and feather filling comes from European farms and adheres to animal welfare standards (no live plucking). Only new, Class I feathers and down are used. However, we don’t stop at the EN 129345 standard for feather and down composition. We have gone the extra mile and developed the Paradies SuperClean standard. By introducing additional cleaning procedures, Paradies has managed to achieve a level of cleanliness that goes way beyond conventional standards It’s more than clean – It’s SuperClean!

Further information:
// Material science
// Paradies SuperClean
// Certified quality
// Care instructions
// Responsible Down Standard
- White, new Class I Paradies feathers and down (duck or goose)
- RDS-certified down and feathers
- Paradies SuperClean – down and feathers It’s more than clean – it’s SuperClean!
- Paradies down and feathers guarantee, no live plucking or animals which are force-fed (foie gras production)
- Excellent head and neck support thanks to Paradies feathers
- Soft and supple thanks to fully mature Paradies down
- Fine, velvety cotton ticking with satin piping (100% cotton)